Align Crystal Shop
Reiki Crystals for the Root Chakra
Balanced Root
Good Health * Stamina
Unbalanced Root
Frustrated * Lethargic
Shungite - Stimulates the Root Chakra by allowing excessive stored energy in the body to be released and transmuted. Shungite helps to ground Root Chakra energies, creating a foundation and stability for the Chakras above it.
Mookaite - Balances the Root Chakra creating energy, strength, and stamina. Grounding and balancing, Mookaite guides you back to living in your body, rather than living in your head.
Bloodstone - Provides balance for body and mind, connecting the Root to the Heart Chakra. Bloodstone stimulates the Root Chakra, helping to get the energy flowing in your mind, body, and spirit.
Carnelian - A very protective stone and is great to carry to help you stay grounded in many situations. This crystal brings a fiery, courageous vibe to the Root Chakra, helping you to feel more stable and secure