Pisces: (February 19–March 20)

Pisces is the twelfth astrological sign in the zodiac, symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions. People born between February 19 and March 20 fall under this water sign. Pisceans are often known for their compassion, empathy, and intuition. They are deeply in touch with their emotions and the emotions of those around them, making them highly empathetic and understanding individuals.

One of the key traits of Pisces is their adaptability. They are able to go with the flow and adjust to various situations and personalities, making them easy to get along with. Pisceans are also incredibly imaginative and creative, often finding joy in artistic pursuits such as music, art, and writing. Their vivid imagination allows them to see the world in a unique and often abstract way.

On the flip side, Pisces individuals can sometimes struggle with indecisiveness and a tendency to be overly trusting, which can leave them vulnerable to being taken advantage of. They may also be prone to escapism, as they seek to avoid harsh realities and responsibilities, sometimes retreating into a world of fantasy or daydreams.

Pisceans are deeply connected to the spiritual and metaphysical realms, often displaying a strong interest in mysticism, spirituality, and the unknown. Their intuition is highly developed, and they often rely on their gut feelings to navigate life's challenges.

Despite their sensitivity, Pisces also possess a quiet strength and resilience, capable of enduring significant emotional and psychological depths. In relationships, Pisces are often incredibly romantic and caring partners, offering unwavering emotional support and understanding to their loved ones. However, they may need to maintain boundaries to prevent themselves from being emotionally drained by others.

Overall, Pisceans are complex, empathetic, and imaginative individuals who bring a unique perspective to the world around them.


    Healing Crystals for Pisces

    Gentle Pisceans make some of the best friends there are. In fact, they often put the needs of their friends ahead of their own. Loyal, dedicated, supportive, and compassionate, no problem is too big for the Piscean to take on. Big or small, when a challenge arises for family or friends, they will be there in every capacity possible to make things better. Deeply intuitive, Pisceans can often sense when something is askew long before anything is said.

    Pisceans are expressive by nature and don’t hesitate to let those around them know how they feel. It’s not surprising for a Pisces to write a song for someone, or to buy a gift that is heartfelt and meaningful. They prefer others to be as open with them as they are. Communication with loved ones is considered most important.

    Career and Money
    Intuitive and often dreamy, the Piscean is most comfortable in positions that bring their creative natures into humanitarian causes. Some good careers for this sign are lawyer, architect, veterinarian, musician, social worker, and designer. The key phrase for this sign is “I believe.” It’s important for the Piscean to feel strongly about their endeavors.

    Inspired by the need to make a difference in the lives of those they touch, the Piscean is most charitable and will often go way above and beyond the call of duty. Sensitive, compassionate, hardworking, dedicated, and reliable, this is one sign that really knows how to get to the heart of the matter. They can be excellent problem solvers.

    For the most part, Pisceans don’t give money too much thought. They are more concerned with their dreams and goals than with material wealth. Yet, because this is often times a component to reaching their aspirations, the Piscean will ensure they have the money they need. They can be of two minds in this area. On one hand the Pisces will spend, spend, spend with little thought, and on the other hand they can become quite miserly. Yet, in the end there will always seem to be enough to do what they want in life.

    Deep within the Piscean beats the heart of the diehard romantic. Loving, tender, and exceptionally giving, this sign cherishes intimacy deeply. They are passionate lovers that need to feel a real connection with their mates. Quick flings and superficial interludes do not bide well for the Piscean whatsoever. In relationships, they are fiercely loyal and doting. They love to give gifts and to make the person in their life feel like a million dollars. Nothing is too good for the Piscean’s love interest!


    Each sign has a part of the anatomy attached to it, making this the area of the body that is most sensitive to stimulation. The anatomical area for Pisces is the feet.

    Ruling Planet
    The ruling planet for Pisces is Neptune. Considered the planet of intuition, Neptune rules dreams, illusion, music, spirituality, mystery, second sight, intangibles, and poetry.

    Pisces is the natural sign of the Twelfth House. This house focuses on limitations, hidden strength, frustrations, and the subconscious mind.

    Opposite Sign
    The opposite sign for Pisces is Virgo.

    Pisceans are most compatible with Cancer and Scorpio.

    The color of choice for Pisces is sea green.

    Pisces’ star stone is the Moon Stone.

    Lucky Numbers
    Pisces’ lucky numbers are 1, 3, 4, and 9.

    The Perfect Gift
    The best gift for a Pisces is something musical or poetic.

    Time to sleep and dream, mystery in all forms, romance, music.

    Know-it-alls, the past coming back to haunt, being criticized.

      Crystals for Pisces

      Healing Crystals for Pisces