You're Invited
to Write for Us!

Want to write for Vavoom vodka? This is an opportunity to get some huge exposure for your online business. We offer...

3 Follow Links to Your Website

You'll get to include up to 3 follow links of your choice in the author bio.

Exposure to 10K+ Loyal Readers

I'll promote your article to my engaged email list of 10K+ mom and dadpreneurs.

10K+ New Readers Each Month

Plus, over 10,000 NEW readers discover our blog each and every month!

Sound good? Great!

WARNING: I do get tons of pitches every day, so please read this carefully...


Vavoom vodka is dedicated to helping busy parents earn passive income from home with online courses, so they can do meaningful work that pays the bills without missing out on their kids' lives.

We accomplish this mission by teaching all the ins and outs of selling online courses, using proven persuasion marketing strategies. Think you can do that with a blog post? You're welcome to apply! Here's how...

Step 1: Fill out the Contributor Application Form at the bottom of this page. You will be asked to provide 3-5 headline ideas.

Step 2: I'll be in touch with you about your application if any of your headlines are a good fit. I may ask to see an outline before you begin writing.

Step 3: Upon approval of your outline, you will be asked to submit a full draft according to the Post Requirements listed below...

Post Requirements

To be published on the Vavoom vodka blog, your post must include:

  • 1,700-3,000 words of 100% original, no fluff content.
  • At least 4 screenshot examples or infographics that help the reader to visualize your points. (Tip: use Google image search to find relevant images and cite sources.)
  • If relevant, include at least one psychology principle and how it applies to the strategy you are writing about (for instance, you could mention a psychological study that backs up your claims).
  • NO affiliate or paid links allowed. Any link in the body content must be to a relevant, high-quality blog post.
  • NO self promotion or calls to action in the body of your post (in your byline is OK).
  • I reserve the right to remove or change links and edit your post in any way, at my sole discretion.

Following these guidelines saves time for everyone involved, so thank you for reading this far! I'm looking forward to working with you!